Top talent is scarce, but placing talent is much more than a numbers game. We are committed to connecting client companies with the right executives and professionals so that both flourish.
Our process is focused on discovering and aligning the needs of stakeholders, and uses our sourcing tools and networks to find the optimal professional and cultural fit. We do send resumes from job seekers; rather, we will send fully vetted profiles from thoroughly interviewed candidates.
Executive/Professional Search
We have developed two models specific to executive and professional search: the retained model, and the contingent model.
Retained Model
The retained model is most commonly used for executive positions. Our talent expert will partner with your executive leaders to define the organizational needs, frame the ideal candidate, and create a genuine, compelling description of the opportunity and the company. A comprehensive job profile is submitted to ensure alignment.
Retained searches are based on a fixed fee, payable in three installments: when we begin, when we present, and when the candidate begins. All searches are backed by a 6-month guarantee.
Contingent Model
The contingent model is most commonly used for professional, technical, and management positions.
Our talent expert will conduct a job intake to identify the key skills and experience required. We conduct direct and passive sourcing, and interview qualified candidates. A written candidate brief and resume are shared for qualified and interested candidates.
Contingent searches are based on a variable fee. The fees are a percentage of the first year’s salary, and are payable with an initial search initiation fee, with the balance payable after employment begins. All searches are backed by a 60-day guarantee.
Our Process
Just as your needs are unique to your business and culture, so are our search processes. From a foundational formula, we’ll tailor our processes to ensure that the best candidates become your new hires and that new hires develop into long-term relationships. Our approach is so successful we guarantee the results. If the new employee doesn’t remain with the organization for the contracted timeframe, we’ll perform a new search at no additional charge.